Like A Rock

Like a rock
Like a rock

As you gaze at this picture what is your immediate response?  No thinking here … your instantaneous, uncalculated response.

Why am I asking?  Because of what Holy Spirit revealed to me in Psalm 73:26

My health may fail,
and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
He is mine forever

As I read I felt led to study the Hebrew to gain more understanding of what my Heavenly Father has promised to me for the places in me that are the most weak and weary.  The depth of this wonderful truth and promise unfolded before me.

God is the strength,
like that of a rock cliff that cannot be moved,
of my heart – all that makes me, me:
my inner me, mind, will, heart, soul,
my knowledge, thinking, reflection, memory,
my inclination, resolution, determination, and conscience.
He is the strength of the heart of my moral character,
the place out of which comes my appetites,
emotion, passions and courage.
He has chosen Himself to be my portion,
possession, award, share,
and parcel (i.e., of land – a place to dwell)
since ancient time,
continuously, perpetually,
and for the unending future of eternity.

WOOOO HOOOO!!  Now there is a reason to hope!  I don’t have to muster up the strength I need.  Instead I get His strength, like a rock, as my supply and place to dwell.

My prayer for you is you will open your heart to receive your portion of the infinite supply Your Heavenly Father has for you so that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit!  (Romans 15:13)

2 responses to “Like A Rock”

  1. Thumbs up for you friend. Keep hearing the Holy Spirit and keep sharing. Love you.

    1. Thank you Joni! Love you too!

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